Waitrose Happy Air has Arrived in Town

Following on from Miss 18 giving me a bottle of champagne I found alcohol thrown at me from the most unexpected quarters all week.  It was all most enjoyable.

I was given a bottle of champagne from a committee that I have served on for 8 years in the city of London.  When I say champagne I do mean champers and not other bubbly forms such as Cava and the like.  I really could get used to this. 

Then our new Waitrose opened on Thursday and happy air arrived in town.   I wrote of the happy air that would be coming to town here.  I now know from whence the happy air derives.  The Wine Bar located in the store!

Another thing I could get used to. 

Other bits we found in Waitrose.

Steam punk bulbs

A supper club

Easter eggs

Rather nice ready meals

The wine selection


  1. I'm 5 minutes' walk from our nearest Waitrose - in fact it's the nearest of all the local supermarkets, so I've been spoiled for years! We don't have a wine bar, though, just a cafe, so jealous!

  2. Woo Hoo.
    And I am a big, big fan of bubbles. Champagne for preference, but I will happily consume lesser varieties too.

  3. We have two Waitrose on the island, neither of which invites me to sip wine in its aisles. You are most fortunate, Champagne Anna.

  4. It looks like a fabulous store, don't think we have that one in Canada.

  5. That's quite the la-di-da store you have there. My local grocery store is nice, but has a decided lack of wine bar. -Jenn

  6. We don't have that in the Netherlands.But whenever we are in the UK we go there!
